Anna Pushkina, Kate Zaitseva (Ryazan)
Key words: planet, Earth, global warming, polution, human, wars, infuence, resources, destroy, development
The World and Me:yesterday, today, tomorrow.
In the centure of Christian philosophy there is a main person God. God created the Universe, the Earth, the first humans - Adam and Eva. They didn't know about anger, lust and evil. But they were the first who broke the law. We know that everybody has a choice but we also should remember about consequences which can ruin everything. Our planet is like a small child, left in the street. Nobody cares about him, nobody wants to help him. If only someone could adopt it, clean it and feed it! The first thing we can do to our planet is to stop destroying it. Global warming, polution of the great ocean - these things are undoubtedly influencing on lives and might erase us, human being, from the surface of the earth. All the processes which have been launched already of course cannot be reversed or even stopped. Our plnet is fine! It is more than 4,5 billiard years old and it would be strange if it might be destroyed by us, who appeared only about sixty thousand years ago.It is more likely that the planet will get rid of us and after a thousand or maybe a million years of tranquil rehabilitation, some new forms of life will appear. and the process as we can notice is going forward at a stready gait - last winner was extremely cold, and the summer was so hot that forests were totally burning out and harvests were negligibly small And what is going to happen with winter and summer? According to one of the theories about the origin of our planet, life began in water. The Earth is the only plannet in our Solar system, which contains liquid water and makes it possible to live here. We need fresh water every single day. But the problem is its quality. Humans, plants, animals, buildings, cars, almost everything has its own period of life when it is valid. The same thing happen with our planet. Our planet is like a living organism that has ifs birthday, boyhood, and old age. Some special conditions, human's intervention, pollutions can speed up the period of old age. The process of destroying our Planet has already begun.
Tomorrow's world will be much different and also, much better in many ways. We will have developed much better technology, have made huge medical advancements. The general quality of life will be much better, and living will also have become much easier. we will experience many problems such as depletion of resources , overpopulation, and the thread of nuclear and biological warfare. The solutins to these dilemmas will not be immediately apparent;but we will have to overcome them. INn the future, technology will have advanced so much and so fast that many new possibilities will arise. We will enjoy interplanetary space travel in the future and we may even develop communications on other planets, such as mars, or perhaps we will have developed treatments or cures for all of the diseases. People will also be much different in the future.They will become more separate from each other ( lined only by computer and telephone). The day to become will not be without problems and stress though. To overcome problems like waste disposal, depleted natural resources, wars, biological warfare,and global warming will be no easy task. Everyone around the world will have to join together and help each other to solve problems that will eventually effect all of us. The future can and will most likely be great, but to acieve this greatness, humans will have to make some personal sacrifices and they will have to face many hardships. We can look forward to the world of tomorrow;but when it realy comes, life will have changed.